Zehra Tatil Koyu Reviews
Fethiye, Turkey

Here you can find reviews and passengers experince about Zehra Tatil Koyu. Also you can add your review for this property. Your first-hand review will help other passengers to have a nice travel and makes the hotel manager to fix the problems.

The list below could help you with writing a good and comprehensive review.

  • CleanlinessHow was cleanliness of rooms and facilities?
  • ComfortWere you comfortable during your stay at the property?
  • StaffHow helpful & professional was the personel of the property?
  • ServicesDoes services of the property were satisfying?
  • Food & RestaurantWhat about food and restaurant? Was it delicious and varied?
  • LocationWhat about the location and access of the property?

In your review, consider good and bad point of the property and be honest. People will see your review and decide based on your words.

993 reviews

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Your overall Rating of this property Click on Stars



Mükemmel bir hafta geçirdik. Evimizde gibi hissettiren Zehra Tatil Köyüne sonsuz teşekkür ediyoruz.

Time flew by quickly.

Our whole family was very happy. Our vacation lasted a week, but it seemed like two days. Animation shows, pool, hammam, spa - everything was very comfortable. Fethiye is very beautiful. But it is very difficult to find such an Islamic and inexpensive hotel in this area. I think this is the best place.

A very good hotel, I recommend it to everyone.

The rooms were a bit narrow, but nice. An extra bed was provided for the child. The food was delicious. Great attention was paid to cleanliness. Only the sea was far away, it took about an hour. But overall, I was satisfied. See you.

Great Place

Private beach, staff very hardworking, food delicious, cleanliness very good, in short, it is a rare place to be preferred for value for money. Cool forest air, location on the mountainside.

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