Orucoglu Thermal Resort Reviews
Afyonkarahisar, Turkey

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  • ServicesDoes services of the property were satisfying?
  • Food & RestaurantWhat about food and restaurant? Was it delicious and varied?
  • LocationWhat about the location and access of the property?

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1013 reviews

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Çok iyiydi.

Ailenmizle huzur için geçirdiğimiz en güzel tatildi. Sıcak sularıyla ağrılarımıza derman oldu resmen. Temizlik açısından da çok dikkat edilmişti. Çok iyiydi.

For complete relaxation

We were with my family in order to get relaxation and procedures. Small room, very good mineral water pool like in Cleopatra's pool in Pamukkale. There is a base with electro procedures and baths. Massage and related elements. The area is not huge, but decent. The main thing is healing water. In the evenings, there is nowhere to go, the only thing is to get to the city itself, wander the streets, the old fortress, shops.

Not a bad hotel.

We rested for five days, and it seemed to us that for a whole month, out of boredom and monotony, everything gets bored very quickly. But elderly people are just what they need! Both for health and for recreation of pensioners super. Pools with thermal waters are superb both in terms of their size and their variety. The staff cleaned up on time and changed towels, bathrobes.

Pensioners will be fine here

Old hotel, far from the city. The room was noisy from cars on the highway! In need of renovation, suitable for retirees. The hotel has mostly Turks over the age of 60-70, some couples with children. Boring hotel. Thermal water is highly chlorinated so that it corrodes the eyes. The procedures are paid. Food is ok. Staying one night is fine. But not more. The prices are high.

Best for Winter Vacation

Good quality hotel if you like thermal springs. It is especially good to relax here in winter, there is a hot pool outside. The food in the restaurant is delicious and varied. The hotel is suitable for families with children.

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