Roca Cappadocia Reviews
Urgup, Turkey

Here you can find reviews and passengers experince about Roca Cappadocia. Also you can add your review for this property. Your first-hand review will help other passengers to have a nice travel and makes the hotel manager to fix the problems.

The list below could help you with writing a good and comprehensive review.

  • CleanlinessHow was cleanliness of rooms and facilities?
  • ComfortWere you comfortable during your stay at the property?
  • StaffHow helpful & professional was the personel of the property?
  • ServicesDoes services of the property were satisfying?
  • Food & RestaurantWhat about food and restaurant? Was it delicious and varied?
  • LocationWhat about the location and access of the property?

In your review, consider good and bad point of the property and be honest. People will see your review and decide based on your words.

1143 reviews

Add your review about Roca Cappadocia. Be honest and write about strengths and weaknesses of the property.

Your overall Rating of this property Click on Stars


Çok başarılı.

Bugüne kadar kaldığım oteller içinde fiyat performans olarak en iyisiydi. Odalar çok otantikti ve yeterli büyüklükteydi.Jakuzili, temiz ve ferah. Şüphesiz bir dahaki tercihimiz bellidir.

Everything was fine

I would like to thank the staff and administrator of this hotel! We were a group of 4 people and I think I will express my impressions for everyone. We liked absolutely everything and the location and authenticity of this hotel. By the way, it is very suitable for a romantic trip. All rooms are very nice and comfortable, we were kindly shown everything. We only took breakfast, everything was delicious! Thanks a lot ! All services can be ordered at the hotel and guide and balloon flight and everything you need for a great vacation. Very friendly people and will help and advise in everything. Thanks a lot again !!! Everything was amazing ! We will definitely come back and advise our friends

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